Welcome to our Science Page. Here you can keep informed about our Science curriculum and keep up to date with our enrichment days we provide the children. You can also read the latest newsletters should you have missed them which provide news and activities children can try at home.
At St John's we deliver a broad, balanced and ambitious Science curriculum to inspire our children.
INTENT at St John’s we aim to:
- Develop pupil’s enjoyment and interest in science
- Develop pupil’s understanding of key scientific concepts and scientific skills
- Enable pupils to be curious, question, explore ideas and make discoveries for themselves
- Enable pupils to effectively communicate scientific ideas by using scientific vocabulary
- Develop positive attitudes which encourage collaborative learning and perseverance
- Develop pupil’s awareness of how science influences and affects our everyday lives and prepare them for life in an increasingly scientific and technological world
Staff and pupils have created a whole school science vision that underpins teaching and learning.
We teach science in line with National Curriculum statements for each year group ensuring children develop both substantive and disciplinary knowledge and skills. Each unit begins with assessment of what the children know already which is built upon in a planned sequence of lessons. We follow the PLAN matrices to support lesson planning to ensure high quality purposeful lessons are delivered in line with NC objectives to ensure children develop and build upon vocabulary, scientific knowledge and working scientifically skills.
Science is taught weekly through enquiry based lessons, which include purposeful practical work using a range of enquiry types which develop pupil’s ability to work scientifically, use scientific vocabulary and develop questioning, reading and collaboration skills. Children are encouraged to record in a range of ways to demonstrate their learning.
IMPACT at St John's:
- Build on and apply science knowledge in other subject areas
- Use of TAPS Focussed Assessments throughout units to assess children’s progression in working scientifically.
- Children’s observation and conversations show increasing curiosity and engagement in science in the world around them.
- Most children meet the national expectations at the end of KS2