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Reception Squirrel Class

Welcome to Reception

Reception team: Mrs Canniford (Mon & Tues) Mrs Miles (Wed, Thurs, Fri)

Supported by Mrs Boatswain


Welcome to Reception, otherwise known as Squirrel Class. Reception is a magical year when you see the biggest change in the children. They start the year as a group of nervous nursery children and by the end of the year they are reading, writing, adding, subtracting experts with lots of friends and the confidence to move into year one!

We work on the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which covers the specific areas of literacy and maths and the prime areas of personal and social skills, communication and physical development. We have daily phonics and maths sessions and other teaching inputs to cover the curriculum. The majority of the children’s day will be filled with play. This allows them to explore and learn through their interests and to develop curiosity and independence in their learning.

On this page you will find a termly curriculum overview showing everything we will be covering in each subject.

We look forward to working with you and the children this year.


The Reception Team

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