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Wraparound Care

At St John’s we are pleased to be able to offer wraparound care for children. Breakfast and after school club are run by Mrs Pinder and Mrs Bennett, who also work in the school as teaching assistants and are known by the children. There are several different resources and activities on offer to the children and they are also able to make use of IT room and outside play areas.

Breakfast club 

Monday to Friday 
(pre-booked children only)

Please arrive between 7:45 – 8:45 (breakfast is served between 08:00 -  08:30) via the office door. The cost for this session will be £5.50 per day. Cereal, toast, bagels, fruit, yoghurt and juice will be provided.  

After School Club 

Monday to Thursday
(pre-booked children only)

Collection will be from the foyer outside the school office at either 16:30 or 18:00. Please note that it is essential that children are collected on time.  A light tea will be provided.

After School Club staff can be contacted via: 07763 198300

Costs for these sessions are:

  • £6.00 for a short session (15:15 to 16:30)
  • £14.00 for a full session (15:15 to 18:00)


We have an online booking and payment system for our Breakfast Club and After School Care Club. Please click here to log in to the booking system

Please contact the school office for a link code if you are new to the system.

You can use the same account for any children you have at St John’s, and for children at other schools which also use Tucasi secure system.

Your account will allow you to book and pay for Breakfast and After School Club sessions online at your convenience. Bookings must be made online at least 48 hours in advance. It will not be possible to accept bookings over the telephone without 48 hours notice.

The system will also let you cancel sessions with up to 48 hours’ notice and you will then receive a credit on your account.  If you cancel a session with less than 48 hours’ notice you will be charged for the session.

You will be required to have a credit balance on your account in order to book sessions. Payments onto your account can only be made by debit/credit cards or childcare vouchers.  We are unable to accept payments by cash or cheque.

When booking After School Club sessions please select the ‘S’ column for the short session (15:15 – 16:30) or the ‘F’ column for the full session (15:15 – 18:00 Not Fridays)  [NB: do not select both or you will be charged for both sessions!]

If you need help registering your account, you will find links to a Quick Reference Guide and a short video tutorial at

For further help, please see the files below:


Get in touch