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Your PTA

Hello! We are the Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

Our job is to raise money for our school to help provide our children with a fantastic education.

To find out what’s been going on, you can read our latest newsletter here. You can also attend any PTA meeting to find out more about what we have been up to and how you can get involved. Details of each meeting are sent via Parentmail.

As a parent, guardian, or carer of a St John's pupil, you are already part of the PTA, but we’d love you to get more involved. Not only is it fun, but you get the chance to meet lots of our lovely families from across the school.

Here are some simple ways to get involved.

1. Come to a fundraiser!

The next dates for your diary are…

  • Friday 10th November: The annual PTA quiz. Who will win the trophy and who will be left with the wooden spoon. More details on how to buy tickets announced shortly.
  • Saturday 2nd December: The Christmas Fair and Santa's Grotto. 
  • Wednesday 6th December: Wreath making.
  • Friday 22nd March: The Bunny Hop Disco.
  • Saturday 8th June: The Summer Fair.
2. Become an Angel.

The St John's Angels scheme is open to everyone (grandparents, godparents, local businesses, etc). Simply set up a standing order or make a one-off payment to the school, and we’ll use the money directly to enrich the children's learning. Even £2 makes a difference.

Find out more about Angels here.

3. Use

Their no-fuss browser extension allows you to donate every time you shop online without costing you a penny. Find out more and sign up here:

4. Enroll for payroll giving.

Did you know you can donate to us pre-tax? Ask your employer about payroll giving and request to donate to us. Email us to find out more.

5. Use our online 2nd Hand Uniform Shop.

Here you will find good quality uniform at budget-friendly prices. By choosing pre-loved uniform, you're not just saving money, you're also contributing to a more sustainable future by making a positive impact on the environment. 

We also encourage you to donate any old uniforms you have that are still in good condition (no whites, please) via the school office. Every penny made from these sales goes directly to the PTA to support much-needed school equipment and resources.

Available stock can be downloaded using the following link: (

Once you have checked the correct size is available, please send a request to Sam Robinson at:  PTA account details for BACS payments are included in the document link above.

6. Volunteer some time.

Come along to a meeting to find out what is coming up. The next meeting is at 7:30pm on Wednesday 1st November. Your class reps will confirm the location for the meeting, and also communicate when we need volunteers for an event.

7. Bring in your old batteries.

Drop them in the collection box outside the school office, and we'll receive money for every box filled.


If at any time you want to get in touch, our PTA committee members are:

Chair - Claire Icel 

Vice Chair - Ellie Barber 

Secretary - Fiona Sharpe 

Treasurer - John Arrowsmith 

Grab us at the gates! Alternatively, you can email, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Get in touch