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Can you decide for me?

After a few hours sleep we got ourselves up and ready for breakfast, followed by room inspections! Points were awarded for beds being made, tidiness of clothes, cleanliness of the floor, tidy bathroom/shower room and how well they settled to sleep the night before! So far room 13 are winning!

Then we split off into our groups to complete buggy building, climbing, abseiling and rifle shooting. More points were won at rifle shooting to be added to the points at lunchtime! The rain started to fall and we snuck inside for a slightly early lunch. Post lunch saw us enjoy some downtime in our rooms escaping from the rain.

Survivor, zip wire and trapeze. Who could build the best shelter? Did anyone manage to hit the white buoy so hard they won the sweets and money? Finally, we met up for some dinner before getting ready for our campfire. Round the campfire we enjoyed some haribo, marshmallows, songs and stories. A brief (very for some) whizz into the shower to wash off the smokey smell then pyjamas and bed, ready for our final morning of activities.

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